Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- n -
- name() : sparta::app::named_value_type< ArgT >
- named_value_type() : sparta::app::named_value_type< ArgT >
- newFactoryVertex() : sparta::DAG
- newGOPVertex() : sparta::DAG
- newMarker() : sparta::State< EnumT, MetaDataT, MAX_MARKERS >
- nextBasicColor() : sparta::color::ColorScheme
- nextEventTick() : sparta::Scheduler
- Node() : sparta::ParameterTree::Node
- none() : sparta::RegisterBits
- notificationCategoryMatch() : sparta::TreeNode
- NotificationInfo() : sparta::TreeNode::NotificationInfo
- notificationObserverAdded_() : sparta::NotificationSourceBase
- notificationObserverRemoved_() : sparta::NotificationSourceBase
- NotificationSource() : sparta::NotificationSource< NotificationDataT >
- NotificationSourceBase() : sparta::NotificationSourceBase
- notifyListenersOfStreamUpdate() : sparta::statistics::StreamNode
- numContexts() : sparta::ContextCounter< CounterT >
- numFired() : sparta::app::Simulation
- numFree() : sparta::Array< DataT, ArrayT >, sparta::Buffer< DataT >, sparta::CircularBuffer< DataT >, sparta::Queue< DataT >
- numMarkers() : sparta::State< EnumT, MetaDataT, MAX_MARKERS >
- numMarks() : sparta::State< EnumT, MetaDataT, MAX_MARKERS >
- numTransactionsWritten() : sparta::collection::PipelineCollector
- numValid() : sparta::Array< DataT, ArrayT >, sparta::Pipe< DataT >, sparta::Pipeline< DataT, EventT >