The Sparta Modeling Framework
No Matches
sparta::Queue< DataT > Class Template Reference

A data structure that allows appending at the back and invalidating from the front. More...

#include <Queue.hpp>


class  QueueIterator
 Class that alows queue elements to be accessed like a normal stl iterator. Queue iterator is a bidirectional sequential iterator isValid() method checks the validity of the iterator. This method can be used to check if the data in Queue has not yet been popped out Increment, decrement , dereferencing,less than and greater than operations are provided. More...

Public Types

using value_type = DataT
 Typedef for the DataT.
using QueueType = Queue< value_type >
 Typedef for the QueueType.
using size_type = uint32_t
using iterator = QueueIterator< false >
 Typedef for regular iterator.
using const_iterator = QueueIterator< true >
 Typedef for constant iterator.

Public Member Functions

 Queue (const std::string &name, const uint32_t num_entries, const Clock *clk, StatisticSet *statset=nullptr, InstrumentationNode::visibility_t stat_vis_general=InstrumentationNode::AUTO_VISIBILITY, InstrumentationNode::visibility_t stat_vis_detailed=InstrumentationNode::VIS_HIDDEN, InstrumentationNode::visibility_t stat_vis_max=InstrumentationNode::AUTO_VISIBILITY, InstrumentationNode::visibility_t stat_vis_avg=InstrumentationNode::AUTO_VISIBILITY)
 Construct a queue.
 ~Queue ()
 Destroy the Queue, clearing everything out.
 Queue (const Queue< value_type > &)=delete
 No copies, no moves.
Queueoperator= (const Queue< value_type > &)=delete
 Deleting default assignment operator to prevent copies.
const std::string & getName () const
 Name of this resource.
bool isValid (uint32_t idx) const
 Determine if data at the index is valid.
const value_typeread (uint32_t idx) const
 Read and return the data at the given index, const reference.
value_typeaccess (uint32_t idx)
 Read and return the data at the given index, reference, non-const method.
value_typefront () const
 Read and return the data at the front(oldest element), reference.
value_typeback () const
 Read and return the last pushed in element(newest element), reference.
uint32_t capacity () const
 Return the fixed size of this queue.
size_type size () const
 Return the number of valid entries.
size_type numFree () const
 Return the number of free entries.
bool empty () const
 Return if the queue is empty or not.
void clear ()
 Empty the queue.
void enableCollection (TreeNode *parent)
 Request that this queue begin collecting its contents for pipeline collection.
iterator push (const value_type &dat)
 push data to the Queue.
iterator push (value_type &&dat)
 push data to the Queue.
void pop ()
 Pops the data at the front of the structure (oldest element) After pop iterator always points to the last element.
void pop_back ()
 Pops the data at the back of the structure (newest element) After pop iterator always points to the last element.
iterator begin ()
 STL-like begin operation, starts at front (oldest element)
iterator end ()
 STL - like end operation, starts at element one past head.
const_iterator begin () const
 STL-like begin operation, starts at front (oldest element)
const_iterator end () const
 STL - like end operation, starts at element one past head.

Detailed Description

template<class DataT>
class sparta::Queue< DataT >

A data structure that allows appending at the back and invalidating from the front.

The Queue allows user to push data to the back of the queue and pop it from the front.

The queue does not manage any type of state delaying. In order to use the queue as a present state/next state queue, the user should use delays when writing to the queue's ports or listening to the queue's ports.

The only precedence that the Queue follows is that invalidations precede writes.

The queue can also be used without the port mechanism via public methods push and pop. The pop method is special in that it will return an iterator which points to that entry in Queue. At any time the queue entry can be queried for that data's location in the queue via its public getIndex() method.

Example usage

Queue<uint32_t>::iterator entry2 = queue.push(52);
// where is the entry?
uint32_t = entry.getIndex();
assert(entry.getIndex() == 0);
assert(entry2.getIndex() == 1);
assert( == 5));
// QueueIterator's respond to comparison operators. Their index is compared.
assert(entry < entry2);
assert(entry2.getIndex() == 0);
Class that alows queue elements to be accessed like a normal stl iterator. Queue iterator is a bidire...
Definition Queue.hpp:228
uint32_t getIndex() const
Definition Queue.hpp:377
A data structure that allows appending at the back and invalidating from the front.
Definition Queue.hpp:70
const value_type & read(uint32_t idx) const
Read and return the data at the given index, const reference.
Definition Queue.hpp:503
iterator push(const value_type &dat)
push data to the Queue.
Definition Queue.hpp:615
void pop()
Pops the data at the front of the structure (oldest element) After pop iterator always points to the ...
Definition Queue.hpp:636

Definition at line 69 of file Queue.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

template<class DataT >
using sparta::Queue< DataT >::const_iterator = QueueIterator<true>

Typedef for constant iterator.

Definition at line 404 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ iterator

template<class DataT >
using sparta::Queue< DataT >::iterator = QueueIterator<false>

Typedef for regular iterator.

Definition at line 401 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ QueueType

template<class DataT >
using sparta::Queue< DataT >::QueueType = Queue<value_type>

Typedef for the QueueType.

Definition at line 77 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ size_type

template<class DataT >
using sparta::Queue< DataT >::size_type = uint32_t

Definition at line 80 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ value_type

template<class DataT >
using sparta::Queue< DataT >::value_type = DataT

Typedef for the DataT.

Definition at line 74 of file Queue.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Queue()

template<class DataT >
sparta::Queue< DataT >::Queue ( const std::string &  name,
const uint32_t  num_entries,
const Clock clk,
StatisticSet statset = nullptr,
InstrumentationNode::visibility_t  stat_vis_general = InstrumentationNode::AUTO_VISIBILITY,
InstrumentationNode::visibility_t  stat_vis_detailed = InstrumentationNode::VIS_HIDDEN,
InstrumentationNode::visibility_t  stat_vis_max = InstrumentationNode::AUTO_VISIBILITY,
InstrumentationNode::visibility_t  stat_vis_avg = InstrumentationNode::AUTO_VISIBILITY 

Construct a queue.

nameThe name of the queue
num_entriesThe number of entries this queue can hold
clkThe clock this queue belongs to
statsetThe Counter set to register read-only counters; default nullptr
stat_vis_generalSets the visibility of the stat counters for the 0th and last index of the utilization counts, so the empty and full counts.
stat_vis_detailedSets the visibility of the stat counts between 0 and the last index. i.e. more detailed than the general stats, default VIS_HIDDEN
stat_vis_maxSets the visibility for a stat that contains the maximum utilization for this buffer. The default is AUTO_VISIBILITY.
stat_vis_avgSets the visibility for a stat that contains the weighted utilization average for this buffer. The default is AUTO_VISIBILITY.
By default the stat_vis_* options are set to AUTO_VISIBILITY, for this structure AUTO_VISIBILITY resolves to SPARTA_CONTAINER_DEFAULT which at the time of writing this comment is set to VIS_HIDDEN. If you rely on the stats from this container you should explicity set the visibility.

Definition at line 440 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ ~Queue()

template<class DataT >
sparta::Queue< DataT >::~Queue ( )

Destroy the Queue, clearing everything out.

Definition at line 473 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ access()

template<class DataT >
value_type & sparta::Queue< DataT >::access ( uint32_t  idx)

Read and return the data at the given index, reference, non-const method.

idxThe index to read
The data to return at the given index (reference)

Use the read() equivalent for const access

Definition at line 515 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ back()

template<class DataT >
value_type & sparta::Queue< DataT >::back ( ) const

Read and return the last pushed in element(newest element), reference.

The data at the back (reference)

Definition at line 533 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<class DataT >
iterator sparta::Queue< DataT >::begin ( )

STL-like begin operation, starts at front (oldest element)

iterator to the oldest element in Queue

Definition at line 670 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<class DataT >
const_iterator sparta::Queue< DataT >::begin ( ) const

STL-like begin operation, starts at front (oldest element)

const_iterator to the oldest element in Queue

Definition at line 685 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ capacity()

template<class DataT >
uint32_t sparta::Queue< DataT >::capacity ( ) const

Return the fixed size of this queue.

The size of this queue

Definition at line 544 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ clear()

template<class DataT >
void sparta::Queue< DataT >::clear ( )

Empty the queue.

Removes all entries from the Queue

Definition at line 580 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ empty()

template<class DataT >
bool sparta::Queue< DataT >::empty ( ) const

Return if the queue is empty or not.

True, if the queue is empty

Does not take into account the number of invalidated entries this cycle

Definition at line 571 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ enableCollection()

template<class DataT >
void sparta::Queue< DataT >::enableCollection ( TreeNode parent)

Request that this queue begin collecting its contents for pipeline collection.

parentA pointer to the parent treenode for which to add Collectable objects under.
This only sets the Queue up for collection. collection must be started with an instatiation of the PipelineCollector

Definition at line 603 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ end() [1/2]

template<class DataT >
iterator sparta::Queue< DataT >::end ( )

STL - like end operation, starts at element one past head.

Returns iterator pointing to past-the-end elemnt in Queue

Definition at line 681 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ end() [2/2]

template<class DataT >
const_iterator sparta::Queue< DataT >::end ( ) const

STL - like end operation, starts at element one past head.

Returns const_iterator pointing to past-the-end elemnt in Queue

Definition at line 696 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ front()

template<class DataT >
value_type & sparta::Queue< DataT >::front ( ) const

Read and return the data at the front(oldest element), reference.

The data at the front (reference)

Definition at line 524 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getName()

template<class DataT >
const std::string & sparta::Queue< DataT >::getName ( ) const

Name of this resource.

Definition at line 484 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ isValid()

template<class DataT >
bool sparta::Queue< DataT >::isValid ( uint32_t  idx) const

Determine if data at the index is valid.

idxThe index to determine validity
true if valid; false otherwise

Definition at line 494 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ numFree()

template<class DataT >
size_type sparta::Queue< DataT >::numFree ( ) const

Return the number of free entries.

The number of free entries

Does not take into account the number of invalidated entries this cycle

Definition at line 561 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pop()

template<class DataT >
void sparta::Queue< DataT >::pop ( )

Pops the data at the front of the structure (oldest element) After pop iterator always points to the last element.

Definition at line 636 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ pop_back()

template<class DataT >
void sparta::Queue< DataT >::pop_back ( )

Pops the data at the back of the structure (newest element) After pop iterator always points to the last element.

Definition at line 654 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ push() [1/2]

template<class DataT >
iterator sparta::Queue< DataT >::push ( const value_type dat)

push data to the Queue.

datData to be copied in
a copy of a QueueIterator that can be queired at any time for this data's position in the queue.
appends through via this method are immediately valid.

Definition at line 615 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ push() [2/2]

template<class DataT >
iterator sparta::Queue< DataT >::push ( value_type &&  dat)

push data to the Queue.

datData to be moved in
a copy of a QueueIterator that can be queired at any time for this data's position in the queue.
appends through via this method are immediately valid.

Definition at line 627 of file Queue.hpp.

◆ read()

template<class DataT >
const value_type & sparta::Queue< DataT >::read ( uint32_t  idx) const

Read and return the data at the given index, const reference.

idxThe index to read
The data to return at the given index (const reference)

Definition at line 503 of file Queue.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ size()

template<class DataT >
size_type sparta::Queue< DataT >::size ( ) const

Return the number of valid entries.

The number of valid entries. Does not subtract entries invalidated this cycle

Definition at line 552 of file Queue.hpp.

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