The Sparta Modeling Framework
No Matches
Report Output Formats

This page describes the various output formats of a sparta report

For an up-to-date list, run a Sparta simulator with the flag: --help-topic reporting

The report output format is typically controlled in one of two ways: directly on the command line or within a report definition Report Definition Format (.rrep,.yaml).

Generate a report in text form using the command line:

./my_sparta_sim --report "" report_def.yaml my_report.text text

Use the report definition file to define the format:

# my_report_definition.yaml
def_file: core_stats.yaml
dest_file: my_report.text
format: text

Plaintext (.txt, .text)


Writes report output as plain-text output. This is human readable and regex-parsable.

CSV (.csv)


Writes report output as comma-separated values with 1 or 2 header rows and then 1 or more data rows depending on whether periodic data was collected (see 3.2 Report Generation).

Consider plotting with sparta/tools/

BasicHTML (.html, .htm)


Writes report output a hierarchical HTML page with nested tables. This format respects many report style options.

Gnuplot (.gnuplot, .gplt)


Writes report output in a format suitable for gnuplot

PythonDict (.python, .python)


Writes report output in a Python dictionary format. This is a string representation of a dictionary which can be read as a multi-line string from the file and "eval"ed to load. Alternatively, it can be copied into python code.

JavascriptObject (.json)


Writes report output in the JSON format which can be read by a number of libraries.