The Sparta Modeling Framework
No Matches
sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode Class Reference

Memory mapping object which implements BlockingMemoryIFNode. Supports a simple mapping of incoming addresses to addresses within a set of destination BlockingMemoryIFs. More...

#include <SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode:
Collaboration diagram for sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode:

Public Member Functions

 SimpleMemoryMapNode (sparta::TreeNode *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &group, group_idx_type group_idx, const std::string &desc, addr_t block_size, addr_t total_size, TranslationIF *transif=nullptr)
 Construct a SimpleMemoryMap that is also a BlockingMemoryIFNode subclass.
 SimpleMemoryMapNode (sparta::TreeNode *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &desc, addr_t block_size, addr_t total_size, TranslationIF *transif=nullptr)
 Constructor for SimpleMemoryMapNode without TreeNode group information.
Memory Access
void read (addr_t addr, addr_t size, uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr)
 Read a block of memory.
void write (addr_t addr, addr_t size, const uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr)
 Write a block of memory.
DMI Access
DMIBlockingMemoryIFgetDMI (addr_t addr, addr_t size) override
 Get a DMI blocking interface at the given address and size.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIFNode
StatisticSetgetStatisticSet ()
 Returns the StatisticSet published by this Node.
virtual std::string stringize (bool pretty=false) const override
 Render description of this BlockingMemoryIF as a string.
 BlockingMemoryIFNode (sparta::TreeNode *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &group, group_idx_type group_idx, const std::string &desc, addr_t block_size, const DebugMemoryIF::AccessWindow &window, TranslationIF *transif=nullptr)
 Construct a blocking memory interface that is also a sparta::TreeNode subclass.
 BlockingMemoryIFNode (sparta::TreeNode *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &desc, addr_t block_size, const AccessWindow &window, TranslationIF *transif=nullptr)
 Constructor for single window without TreeNode group information.
PostWriteNotiSrcgetPostWriteNotificationSource ()
 Returns the post-write notification-source node for this memory interface which can be used to observe writes. This notification is posted immediately after the memory has been written and populates a PostWriteAccess object with the results.
ReadNotiSrcgetReadNotificationSource ()
 Returns the read notification-source node for this memory interface which can be used to observe writes. This notification is posted immediately after the memory has been read and populates a ReadAccess object with the results.
virtual bool tryRead (addr_t addr, addr_t size, uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr) override
 Attempt to read memory of size size at address addr.
void read (addr_t addr, addr_t size, uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr)
 Attempts to read memory.
virtual bool tryWrite (addr_t addr, addr_t size, const uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr) override
 Attempt to write memory of size size at address addr.
void write (addr_t addr, addr_t size, const uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr)
 Attempts to write memory.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::TreeNode
const ClockgetClock () override
 Walks up parents (starting with self) until a parent with an associated local clock is found, then returns that clock.
const ClockgetClock () const
const ClockgetLocalClock ()
 Gets the clock associated directly with this Node. This is useful for configuration and simulator debug, but not at run-time.
const ClockgetLocalClock () const
virtual void setClock (const Clock *clk)
 Assigns a clock to this node. This clock will then be accessed by any descendant which has no assigned clock or an ancestor with an assigned clock between that descendant and this node. getClock returns the Clock associated with the nearest ancestor.
SchedulergetScheduler (const bool must_exist=false)
 Get the scheduler associated with this tree node's root.
const SchedulergetScheduler (const bool must_exist=false) const
WeakPtr getWeakPtr ()
 Gets a weak pointer to this TreeNode. This weak pointer is guaranteed to expire when this TreeNode is destructed unless locked.
ConstWeakPtr getWeakPtr () const
 Const variant of getWeakPtr.
virtual void addLink (TreeNode *node, const std::string &label)
 Link this tree node with another tree node.
virtual void activateLink (const std::string &label)
 Activate one of the links added with addLink.
 TreeNode ()=delete
 Not default-constructable.
 TreeNode (const TreeNode &)=delete
 Not copy-constructable.
 TreeNode (TreeNode &&rhp)
 Move constructor.
TreeNodeoperator= (const TreeNode &)=delete
 Not assign-constructable.
 TreeNode (TreeNode *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &group, group_idx_type group_idx, const std::string &desc, bool is_indexable)
 TreeNode full constructor. Initializes node and adds it as a child of an existing tree node (if parent is not null).
 TreeNode (TreeNode *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &group, group_idx_type group_idx, const std::string &desc)
 TreeNode constructor with no is_indexable parameter [defaults to true].
 TreeNode (const std::string &name, const std::string &group, group_idx_type group_idx, const std::string &desc)
 TreeNode constructor with no parent Node.
 TreeNode (TreeNode *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &desc)
 TreeNode constructor with no group information.
 TreeNode (TreeNode *parent, const std::string &group, group_idx_type group_idx, const std::string &desc)
 TreeNode constructor for anonymous node with group information.
 TreeNode (const std::string &name, const std::string &desc)
 TreeNode constructor with no parent node or group information.
virtual ~TreeNode ()
 Virtual destructor.
void addAlias (const std::string &alias)
 Add a single alias for this node.
void addAliases (const AliasVector &v)
 Adds each element of a vector of aliases to this node..
void addTag (const std::string &tag)
 Adds single tag to this node.
void addTags (const std::vector< std::string > &v)
 Adds each elements of a vector of tags to this node.
void stringizeTags (std::stringstream &ss) const
 Render tags to a string in the form: " tags:[tag0, tag1]" If there are any tags. The leading space makes this a useful sub-utility of stringize because if there are no tags, returns empty string with no leading space.
node_uid_type getNodeUID () const
 Gets the unique ID of this node.
const std::string & getName () const override
 Gets the name of this node.
const std::string * getNamePtr () const
 Gets the name of this node's string pointer which isinterned in StringManager)
bool isAnonymous () const
 Is this node anonymous.
bool isExpired () const
 Is this expired (i.e. has it been the rhp of a move constructor)
bool isIndexableByGroup () const
 Returns whether this object is accessible through its parent's interfaces for getting children by group and index.
const std::string & getGroup () const
 Gets the group name of this node.
const std::string * getGroupNamePtr () const
 Gets the group name string pointer (interned in StringManager singleton) of this node.
group_idx_type getGroupIdx () const
 Gets the group index of this node.
const std::vector< const std::string * > & getTags () const
 Gets the set of tags associated with this TreeNode.
bool hasTag (const std::string &tag) const
 Does this node have a specific tag (by name)
bool hasTag (const std::string *interned_tag_name) const
 Does this node have a specific tag (by string pointer interned with StringManager). This is faster than the alternate hasTag method because it relies only on pointer comparisons.
const std::string & getDesc () const
 Gets the description of this node.
bool isBuiltin () const
 Is this node in the builtins group.
void markHidden (bool hidden=true)
 Marks this TreeNode hidden for the purposes of printint out nodes. This does not make the node inaccessible, but causes it (and its subtree) to be hidden from typical recursive tree printouts.
bool isHidden () const
 Is this TreeNode supposed to be hidden during tree printouts This value does not have to be respected by anything using TreeNode and is mainly a UI/printout convenience.
void validateName (const std::string &nm)
 Validates the given name string for this TreeNode. Does not consider context (e.g. name collisions)
void validateGroup (const std::string &name, const std::string &group, group_idx_type idx)
 Validates the given group name string and group index for this TreeNode. Does not consider context (e.g. name collisions)
void validateDesc (const std::string &desc)
 Validates the given description string for this TreeNode.
void addExtensionParameters (const std::string &extension_name, std::unique_ptr< ParameterSet > extension_params)
 Add a named parameter set to extend this tree node's metadata.
void addExtensionFactory (const std::string &extension_name, std::function< ExtensionsBase *()> factory)
 Add an extension factory to this tree node by its type (name). This method does not actually create any objects at this time. It will validate and create the extension only if asked for later on during simulation.
ExtensionsBasegetExtension (const std::string &extension_name)
 Get an extension object by type string. Returns nullptr if not found (unrecognized).
ExtensionsBasegetExtension ()
 Get an extension without needing to specify any particular type string. If no extensions exist, returns nullptr. If only one extension exists, returns that extension. If more than one extension exists, throws an exception.
const std::set< std::string > & getAllExtensionNames ()
 Extension names, if any. Tree node extensions are typically instantiated on-demand for best performance (you have to explicitly ask for an extension by its name, or it won't be created) - so note that calling this method will trigger the creation of all this node's extensions. The performance cost is proportional to the number of nodes in the virtual parameter tree.
void addChild (TreeNode *child, bool inherit_phase=true)
 Adds a TreeNode to this node as a child.
void addChild (TreeNode &child)
 AddChild by reference for convenience.
void makeSubtreePrivate ()
 Make the entire subtree private.
void setScopeRoot ()
bool isScopeRoot () const
void lockdownParameters ()
 Method to put the device tree in lockdown phase. All LOCKED and HIDDEN parameters are frozen after this point. Regular parameters are not affected by this phase. This method requires a Simulation pointer and will assert at compile time if anyone tries to lockdown the tree without the context of a Simulation.
virtual bool isAttached () const
 Is this node part of a device tree with a proper RootTreeNode at the root.
virtual TreeNodegetParent ()
 Gets immediate parent of this node if one exists.
virtual const TreeNodegetParent () const
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
const T getParentAs (bool must_exist=true) const
 Retrieves a parent casted to type T* if this node has a parent.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
const T * getParentAs (bool must_exist=true) const
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
getParentAs (bool must_exist=true)
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
T * getParentAs (bool must_exist=true)
virtual TreeNodegetRoot ()
 Gets farthest ancestor of this node.
virtual const TreeNodegetRoot () const
TreeNodegetScopeRoot ()
const TreeNodegetScopeRoot () const
const TreeNodegetExpectedRoot () const
 build-time equivalent to getRoot before an object is actually attached to a tree. This is a mainly a framework and debugging tool for determining what the root of a node being constructed will be when complete
app::SimulationgetSimulation () const
 Gets the simulation (if any) associated with this tree.
uint32_t getNumChildren () const
 Gets the number of children that this node has including those in the sparta builtins group.
TreeNodegetChildAt (uint32_t idx) const
 Gets a child at a position in the children vector in the order in which they were added to this node.
const ChildrenVector getChildren () const
 Gets a vector of all children of this node in any group in the order in which they were added to this node.
uint32_t getChildren (std::vector< TreeNode * > &results, bool ignore_builtin_group=true, bool ignore_anonymous_nodes=true)
 Gets all children of this node in the order in which they were added to this node.
template<class T >
uint32_t getChildrenOfType (std::vector< T * > &results) const
 return all the children matching a particular type using dynamic cast.
sparta::TreeNodefindAncestorByName (const std::string &name)
 Find ancestor by name.
template<typename T >
sparta::TreeNodefindAncestorByType ()
 Find ancestor by type.
sparta::TreeNodefindAncestorByTag (const std::string &tag)
 Find the first ancestor with a particular tag.
template<typename T >
T * findAncestorResourceByType ()
 Find an ancestor's resource with a certain type.
const AliasVectorgetAliases () const
 Gets a vector of all aliases of this node.
uint32_t getChildrenIdentifiers (std::vector< std::string > &idents, bool ignore_builtin_group=true) const
 Gets all child identifiers, aliases, group names, and group-aliases which can be used to refer to a child of this node.
std::vector< const std::string * > getIdentifiers () const
 Gets all the identifiers for this node (excluding groups)
uint32_t getGroupSize (const std::string &group)
 Gets the number of nodes in a group.
group_idx_type getGroupIndexMax (const std::string &group)
 Gets the largest index of a node in the given group.
uint32_t getGroup (const std::string &group, std::vector< TreeNode * > &results)
 Gets all nodes in a child group.
uint32_t findChildren (const std::string &pattern, std::vector< TreeNode * > &results, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &replacements)
 Finds all children starting at this node with a given pattern relative to this node by matching names an aliases. Appends each found child to <results>.
uint32_t findChildren (const std::string &pattern, std::vector< TreeNode * > &results)
 Version of findChildren with no replacements vector.
virtual uint32_t findImmediateChildren_ (std::regex &expr, std::vector< TreeNode * > &found, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &replacements, bool allow_private=false)
 Finds immediate children with some identity (name or alias) matching a regex.
uint32_t findImmediateChildren_ (std::regex &expr, std::vector< TreeNode * > &found, bool allow_private=false)
 Variant of findImmediateChildren_ with no replacements vector.
virtual uint32_t findImmediateChildren_ (std::regex &expr, std::vector< const TreeNode * > &found, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &replacements, bool allow_private=false) const
 Const-qualified variant of findImmediateChildren_.
uint32_t findImmediateChildren_ (std::regex &expr, std::vector< const TreeNode * > &found, bool allow_private=false) const
 Variant of const-qualified findImmediateChildren_ with no replacements vector.
bool locationMatchesPattern (const std::string &pattern, const TreeNode *pat_loc) const
 Determines if the given pattern (which may contain wildcards) can describe this node.
TreeNodegetChild (const std::string &name, bool must_exist=true)
 Retrieves a child with this dotted path name.
const TreeNodegetChild (const std::string &name, bool must_exist=true) const
 Overloaded const-qualified.
std::string getDeepestMatchingPath (const std::string &path) const
 Gets the deepest whole node location starting from this node that matches some part of path starting at its beginning.
bool hasChild (const std::string &name) const noexcept
 Determines if a child can be found with the given dotted path.
bool hasImmediateChild (const TreeNode *n) const noexcept
 Determines if the node n is an immediate child of this node.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type, class ConstT = typename ptr_to_const_obj_ptr<T>::type>
const ConstT getChildAs (const std::string &name, bool must_exist=true) const
 Retrieves a child that is castable to T with the given dotted path.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
const T * getChildAs (const std::string &name, bool must_exist=true) const
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
getChildAs (const std::string &name, bool must_exist=true)
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
T * getChildAs (const std::string &name, bool must_exist=true)
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type, class ConstT = typename ptr_to_const_obj_ptr<T>::type>
ConstT getAs () const
 Retrieves this node after casting to type T.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
const T * getAs () const
 Retrieves this node after casting to type const T.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
getAs ()
 Retrieves this node after casting to type const T.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
T * getAs ()
 Retrieves this node after casting to type const T.
uint32_t findChildrenByTag (const std::string &tag, std::vector< TreeNode * > &results, int32_t max_depth=-1)
 Finds a set of all children having the selected tag which this node or descendants of this node within a distance of the given max_depth.
bool isDescendantOf (const TreeNode *ancestor, int32_t max_depth=-1) const
 Determines if this node is a descendant of the specified ancestor node within some number of generations (depth).
std::string getLocation () const override final
std::string getDisplayLocation () const
 Returns the location of this node in the device tree which might not be usable for navigating the device tree (it cannot be used as an argument for getChild/findChildren).
std::string getExpectedLocation () const
 build-time equivalent to getLocation before an object is actually attached to a tree. This is a mainly a framework and debugging tool for determining what the location of a node currently being constructed will be when complete.
std::string renderSubtree (int32_t max_depth=-1, bool show_builtins=false, bool names_only=false, bool hide_hidden=false, bool(*leaf_filt_fxn)(const TreeNode *)=nullptr) const
 Renders the subtree starting at this node as a string containing an indentation-based depth-first representation.
uint32_t getLevel () const
 Gets the level of this node. 0 is root.
template<typename T >
uint32_t getRecursiveNodeCount () const
 Recursively gets the count of a nodes that are a subclass of a particular type (determined by dynamic_cast). Includes all descendants of this node in the tree, but excludes this node.
uint32_t getPossibleNotifications (std::vector< NotificationInfo > &infos) const
 Gets information on the possible notifications generated by this node (excludes children).
void dumpPossibleNotifications (std::ostream &o) const noexcept
 Dumps a listing of the notifications which this node can generate to the ostream o.
template<typename DataT = ANY_TYPE>
uint32_t locateNotificationSources (std::vector< TreeNode * > &nodes, const std::string &name="")
 Gets all possible notification info from NotificationSources within this node's subtree.
template<typename DataT = ANY_TYPE>
void dumpLocatedNotificationSources (std::ostream &o, const std::string &name="")
 Retrieves the relevant NotificationSources from locateNotificationSources and prints them to the output o.
uint32_t getPossibleSubtreeNotifications (std::vector< NotificationInfo > &infos) const noexcept
 Gets information on the possible notifications generated by this node and all its descendants.
void dumpPossibleSubtreeNotifications (std::ostream &o) const noexcept
 Dumps a listing of the notifications which this node and its descendants can generate to the ostream o.
bool canGenerateNotification (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::string *name) const
 Can this TreeNode generate a notification of the given type having the given name or pattern.
bool canGenerateNotification (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::string &name) const
 Can this TreeNode generate a notification of the given type having the given name (does not require interned string - will intern automatically with StringManager).
bool canGenerateNotification (const NotificationInfo &info) const
 Can this TreeNode generate a notification of the given NotificationInfo.
bool canSubtreeGenerateNotification (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::string *name) const
 Can this TreeNode or its descendants (of any distance) generate a notification of the given type having the given name.
bool canSubtreeGenerateNotification (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::string &name) const
 Can this TreeNode or its descendants (of any distance) generate a notification of the given type having the given name (does not require interned string)
bool canSubtreeGenerateNotifications (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::vector< const std::string * > &names) const
 Checks to see if any a subtree can generate any of several notification names which may be patterns.
template<typename DataT , typename T , void(T::*)(const TreeNode &, const TreeNode &, const DataT &) TMethod>
void registerForNotification (T *obj, const std::string &name, bool ensure_possible=true)
 Registers a callback method to listen for all notifications having the specified data type DataT and name (or any name if name is "") occuring on this node or any descendant (subtree).
template<typename DataT , typename T , void(T::*)(const DataT &) TMethod>
void registerForNotification (T *obj, const std::string &name, bool ensure_possible=true)
template<typename DataT , typename T , void(T::*)(const TreeNode &, const TreeNode &, const DataT &) TMethod>
void deregisterForNotification (T *obj, const std::string &name)
 Removes at most one registration made with registerForNotification.
template<typename DataT , typename T , void(T::*)(const DataT &) TMethod>
void deregisterForNotification (T *obj, const std::string &name)
bool hasObserversRegisteredForNotification (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::string *name) const noexcept
 Determines if this TreeNode (not descendants) has any observers for this type of event and name.
void getDelegatesRegisteredForNotification (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::string *name, std::vector< delegate > &dels) noexcept
 Gets the vector of delegates registered for a notification on this TreeNode.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::ResourceContainer
 ResourceContainer ()
 Consturct with a null, unlocked resource.
 ResourceContainer (const ResourceContainer &)=delete
 Copy construction disbled.
 ResourceContainer (ResourceContainer &&)=default
 Move constructor.
virtual ~ResourceContainer ()
ResourcegetResource ()
 Gets the resource contained by this node if any. May only be called after finalization begins or during teardown.
const ResourcegetResource () const
 Const variant of getResource.
bool hasResource () const
 Determines if this node has a resource. This method exists in case the TreeNode is being explored by a tool or interactive UI. Typical TreeNode clients (such as Resources) will assume that there is a resource if they are expecting one.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
const T getResourceAs () const
 Gets the resource contained by this node (if any) as the given type.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
const T * getResourceAs () const
 Overload of getResourceAs for const access with a non-pointer template type.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
getResourceAs ()
 Non-const overload of getResourceAs.
template<class T , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value>::type>
T * getResourceAs ()
 Non-const overload of getResourceAs.
virtual std::string getResourceType () const
 Gets the typename of the resource that this node will eventually contain.
virtual std::string getResourceTypeRaw () const
 Gets the typename of the resource that this node will eventually contain.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::PhasedObject
 PhasedObject (PhasedObject &&)=default
TreePhase getPhase () const
 Gets the trees current phase.
virtual bool isBuilding () const
 Is this node (and thus the entire tree above and below it) currently in the TREE_BUILDING phase.
virtual bool isBuilt () const
 Is this node (and thus the entire tree above it) "built". Checks that getPhase has passed TREE_BUILDING.
virtual bool isConfigured () const
 Is this node (and thus the entire tree above it) "configured". Checks that getPhase has passed TREE_CONFIGURING (i.e. FINALIZED, FINALIZING, TEARDOWN, etc).
virtual bool isConfiguring () const
 Is this node (and thus the entire tree above it) currently in the TREE_CONFIGURING phase.
virtual bool isFinalizing () const
 Is this node (and thus the entire tree above it) "finalized".
virtual bool isFinalized () const
 Is this node (and thus the entire tree above it) "finalized".
virtual bool isTearingDown () const
 Is this node (and thus the entire tree above it) in the "teardown" phase.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::ArchDataContainer
std::vector< ArchData * > getAssociatedArchDatas ()
 Retrieves all ArchDatas associated with this TreeNode so that children can use it to allocate their data.
const std::vector< ArchData * > getAssociatedArchDatas () const
 Const variant of getAssociatedArchDatas.
 ArchDataContainer ()=default
 Default constructor.
 ArchDataContainer (ArchDataContainer &)=delete
 Copy construction disabled.
 ArchDataContainer (ArchDataContainer &&)=default
 Move constructor.
virtual ~ArchDataContainer ()
 Virtual destructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIF
std::string stringize (bool pretty=false) const
 Render description of this BlockingMemoryIF as a string.
 BlockingMemoryIF (const std::string &desc, addr_t block_size, const DebugMemoryIF::AccessWindow &window, TranslationIF *transif=nullptr)
 Construct a blocking memory interface.
void read (addr_t addr, addr_t size, uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr)
 Attempts to read memory.
void write (addr_t addr, addr_t size, const uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr)
 Attempts to write memory.
virtual void invalidateAllDMI ()
 Invalidate all DMI's.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::memory::DebugMemoryIF
 DebugMemoryIF ()=delete
 Default constuctor.
 DebugMemoryIF (const std::string &desc, addr_t block_size, const AccessWindow &window, TranslationIF *transif=nullptr)
 Construct a DebugMemoryInterface.
virtual ~DebugMemoryIF ()
 Virutal destructor.
virtual const TranslationIFgetTranslationIF ()
 Gets the translation interface associated with this Debug memory interface (if any).
const std::string & getDescription ()
 Returns the description specified at construction.
addr_t getBlockSize () const
 Returns the block size of memory represented by this interface. Read and write accesses must not span block boundaries (where addr % block_size == 0).
addr_t getRange () const
 Gets the total span of this interface's valid address range.
addr_t getLowEnd () const
 Gets the lowest address accessible.
addr_t getHighEnd () const
 Gets the highest address accessible + 1.
addr_t getAccessibleSize () const
 Gets the total accessible size of this interface's valid addresses within the total size (getRange) excluding holes between access windows.
const std::vector< AccessWindow > & getWindows () const
 Gets the vector of windows representing this interface.
bool isAddressInWindows (addr_t addr) const noexcept
 Determines if the given address is in an access window defined for this interface.
void verifyInAccessWindows (addr_t addr, addr_t size) const
 Verifies that the range [addr, addr+size) is within the access windows for this interface.
bool isInAccessWindows (addr_t addr, addr_t size) const
 Determines if the range [addr, addr+size) is within the access windows for this interface.
void verifyNoBlockSpan (addr_t addr, addr_t size) const
 Verifies that the given address does not span block boundaries defined for this interface.
bool doesAccessSpan (addr_t addr, addr_t size) const noexcept
 Determines if the given address spans block boundaries defined for this interface. Accesses which span blocks are illegal for read/write accesses, but allowed for peak/poke debug accesses.
bool tryPeek (addr_t addr, addr_t size, uint8_t *buf) const
 Attempts to 'peek' memory without having any side effects, size-limitations, alignment constraints except that all bytes peeked are inside an access window for this interface.
void peek (addr_t addr, addr_t size, uint8_t *buf) const
 Wrapper on tryPeek which throws a MemoryAccessError if the peek is not legal.
bool tryPoke (addr_t addr, addr_t size, const uint8_t *buf)
 Attempts to 'poke' memory without having any side effects other than changing the bytes within the range [ addr , addr + size ). Poke has no size-limitations or alignment constraints except that all bytes peeked are inside an access window for this interface.
void poke (addr_t addr, addr_t size, const uint8_t *buf)
 Wrapper on tryPoke which throws a MemoryAccessError if the poke is not legal.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMap
std::string stringize (bool pretty=false) const
 Render description of this SimpleMemoryMap as a string.
 SimpleMemoryMap (addr_t block_size)
 Construct a SimpleMemoryMap.
virtual ~SimpleMemoryMap ()
void addMapping (addr_t start, addr_t end, BlockingMemoryIF *memif, addr_t dest_start)
 Create a mapping from addresses entering this object to a destination memory interface.
void dumpTree (std::ostream &o) const
 Dumps the tree to an ostream like a directory listing.
void dumpMappings (std::ostream &o) const
 Dumps a list of mappings to an ostream with a newline after each mapping entry.
BlockingMemoryIFfindInterface (addr_t addr)
 Returns the destination memory interface associated with a mapping containing an address.
MappingfindMapping (addr_t addr)
 Finds the Mapping object associated with an address.
const MappingfindMapping (addr_t addr) const
void verifyHasMapping (addr_t addr, addr_t size) const
 Determines if a mapping is valid or not.
std::pair< const BlockingMemoryIF *, addr_tmapAddress (addr_t addr) const noexcept
 Maps an input address to a destination interface and address within that destination interface.
uint32_t getNumMappings () const
 Returns the number of mappings successfully added to this map.
const std::vector< const Mapping * > & getMappings () const
 Returns the vector of current mappings in the order added.
addr_t getBlockSize () const
 Returns the block size of memory represented by this interface. Read and write accesses must not span block boundaries (where addr % block_size == 0).

Protected Member Functions

Access and Query Implementations
virtual bool tryRead_ (addr_t addr, addr_t size, uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr) override
 Implements tryRead_.
virtual bool tryWrite_ (addr_t addr, addr_t size, const uint8_t *buf, const void *in_supplement=nullptr, void *out_supplement=nullptr) override
 Implements tryWrite_.
virtual bool tryPeek_ (addr_t addr, addr_t size, uint8_t *buf) const override
 Implements tryPeek_.
virtual bool tryPoke_ (addr_t addr, addr_t size, const uint8_t *buf) override
 Implements tryPoke_.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sparta::TreeNode
std::pair< uint32_t, std::string > recursGetDeepestMatchingPath_ (const std::string &path, size_t name_pos) const
 Finds the deepest node path mathing the input path. Implements getDeepestMatchingPath.
void setExpectedParent_ (const TreeNode *parent)
 Tracks a node as an expected parent without actually adding this node as a child. This is used almost exclusively for printing error messages which include a device-tree location BEFORE actually inserting this node into the device tree since node construction can fail.
void enterFinalizing_ ()
 Recursively enter TREE_FINALIZING phase.
void finalizeTree_ ()
 Recursively create resources based on tree configuration. enter_finalize_ should be invoked after this method successfully completes for an entire tree. Finalizes in the order of construction.
void validateTree_ ()
 Iterates the finalized tree and validates each node (e.g. ensures statistics can be evaluated)
void enterFinalized_ ()
 Recursively enter TREE_FINALIZED phase.
void enterConfig_ () noexcept
 Recursively enter TREE_CONFIGURING phase.
void bindTreeEarly_ ()
 Recursively invoke TreeNode::onBindTreeEarly_ and Resource::onBindTreeEarly_ (in that order for each node)
void bindTreeLate_ ()
 Recursively invoke TreeNode::onBindTreeEarly_ and Resource::onBindTreeLate_ (in that order for each node)
void simulationTerminating_ ()
 Hook to allow simulation resources to clean-up before simulation is ended.
void validatePostRun_ (const PostRunValidationInfo &info) const
 Hook to check the state of the simulator post-run and throw exceptions if something is incorrect.
void dumpDebugContent_ (std::ostream &out) const noexcept
 Allows resources to write out detailed textual debugging information about the node. This is typically called by a simulator when shutting down due to an exception (or depending on simulator config). However, it could also be called at other times.
void enterTeardown_ () noexcept
 Recursively enter TREE_TEARDOWN phase while alerting nodes through onEnteringTeardown_ and alterting Resources through Resource::onStartingTeardown_. Nodes already in TREE_TEARDOWN phase will not be alerted (neither will their associated Resources). All nodes are visited regardless of their parent's phase.
void verifyUniqueChildIdentifier_ (const std::string &ident, bool ignore_group_collision=false)
 Verifies that the given identifier is unique for all children of this node by comparing against names, groups, and aliases. Throws SpartaException if not unique.
void removeChildForTeardown_ (TreeNode *child)
 "Removes" the given child by invoking onDestroyingChild_ then removing this child from the children_ list
void removeFromParentForTeardown_ (TreeNode *parent)
 Protected Wrapper for getParent()->removeChildForTeardown_ which allows subclases of TreeNode to indirectly invoke removeChildForTeardown_ with themselves as the argument.
void detachFromParent_ ()
 Removes a node from its parent with the expectation this node will be immediately destroyed (i.e. is an xvalue)
void detachFromChildren_ ()
 Removes a node from its children with the expectation this node will be immediately destroyed (i.e. is an xvalue)
bool areParametersLocked_ () const
 This method informs whether the tree is past the lockdown phase for all LOCKED and HIDDEN parameters. Modifying LOCKED and HIDDEN parameters after this phase is disallowed. Tree can be locked down during TREE_BUILDING phase or TREE_CONFIGURING phase. During TREE_FINALIZING phase, all parameters are locked down as is.
template<typename DataT >
void postPropagatingNotification_ (const TreeNode *origin, const DataT &data, const std::string *name_id)
 Starts a notification propagating up the tree.
template<typename DataT , typename T , void(T::*)(const TreeNode &, const TreeNode &, const DataT &) TMethod>
DelegateVector::iterator findDelegate_ (DelegateVector &dvec, T *obj, const std::string &target_name)
 Finds a delegate associated with the given type T, object pointer, DataT, and TMethod within a DelevateVector. The intent of this function is to help see if a delegate is already registered with a calback by checking all known information associated with that callback against the input arguments.
template<typename DataT , typename T , void(T::*)(const DataT &) TMethod>
DelegateVector::iterator findDelegate_ (DelegateVector &dvec, T *obj, const std::string &target_name)
virtual void broadcastRegistrationForNotificationToChildren_ (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::vector< const std::string * > &name_ids, TreeNode *obs_node, const delegate *del, const bool allow_private)
 Recursively notifies children that the notification described is now (or still is) being observed at the observation point TreeNode obs_node with the newly registered delegate del.
virtual void broadcastDeregistrationForNotificationToChildren_ (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::vector< const std::string * > &name_ids, TreeNode *obs_node, const delegate *del, const bool allow_private)
 Recursively notifies children that the notification described has lost one particular observer (del) which was observing at the observation point TreeNode obs_node with the delegate del.
void broadcastRegistrationForNotificationListStringToChildren_ (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::string &name, TreeNode *obs_node, const delegate *del, const bool private_only)
 Entry point to broadcastRegistrationForNotificationToChildren_ recursion. Breaks a name string.
void broadcastDeregistrationForNotificationListStringToChildren_ (const std::type_info &tinfo, const std::string &name, TreeNode *obs_node, const delegate *del, const bool private_only)
 Symmetric oppostie of broadcastRegistrationForNotificationListStringToChildren_.
template<typename DataT >
void invokeDelegatesOn_ (TreeNode *to_invoke, const DataT &data, const std::string *name_id)
 Protected wrapper for invokeDelegates_ which allows a TreeNode to invoke delegates on another TreeNode using itself as the origin.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sparta::ResourceContainer
std::string getResourceTypeName_ () const
 Gets the rtti type name (demangled) of the resource type held by this container. If there is no resource held, returns empty string.
void setResource_ (Resource *r)
 Allows subclasses to assign the resource associated with this node.
void unsetResource_ ()
 Allows a resource to unset the resource set with setResource_.
void lockResource_ ()
 Allows subclasses to assign the resource associated with this node.
ResourcegetResource_ () noexcept
 Returns the currently held resource of this node (if any). This method can be called at any time.
const ResourcegetResource_ () const noexcept
 Const variant of getResource_.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sparta::PhasedObject
void setPhase_ (TreePhase phase)
 Sets the current phase.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIF

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIFNode
typedef NotificationSource< ReadAccessReadNotiSrc
 Notification type for memory read accesses.
typedef NotificationSource< PostWriteAccessPostWriteNotiSrc
 Notification type for memory write accesses.
- Public Types inherited from sparta::TreeNode
typedef uint64_t node_uid_type
 Type of unique-identifier assigned to every node.
typedef std::vector< TreeNode * > ChildrenVector
 Vector of TreeNode children.
typedef std::vector< std::string > AliasVector
 Vector of aliases (other names for this node)
typedef std::multimap< std::string, TreeNode * > ChildNameMapping
 Mapping of names, aliases, and groups to individual child nodes within one node. This must be in a deterministic order, so an ordered container (e.g. std::map) is required. A sorted contained is probably desirable, but not required.
typedef uint32_t group_idx_type
 Index within a group.
typedef std::weak_ptr< TreeNodeWeakPtr
 Weak pointer to a TreeNode. Acquire with getWeakPtr.
typedef std::weak_ptr< const TreeNodeConstWeakPtr
 Weak pointer to a const TreeNode. Acquire with getWeakPtr.
typedef std::shared_ptr< TreeNodeSharedPtr
 Shared pointer to TreeNode. Acquire with WeakPtr::lock().
typedef std::map< const std::string *, std::vector< TreeNode * > > TagsMap
 Map of strings (interned in StringManager) tags to TreeNodes.
- Public Types inherited from sparta::PhasedObject
enum  TreePhase {
 Current phase of tree construction (applies to node and entire tree). More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from sparta::TreeNode
static std::string createSearchRegexPattern (const std::string &pat)
 Compute a regex pattern for a node child path containing any number of wildcard characters (not a dot-separated location) which can be used to test against child node names.
static bool hasWildcardCharacters (const std::string &name)
 Determines if a given node name has any wildcard characters which will be substituted in createSearchRegexPattern.
static std::string getNextName (const std::string &name, size_t &pos)
 Gets the next name between two '.' chars in a string starting at pos.
static bool matchesGlobLike (const std::string &pattern, const std::string &other)
 Determine if a glob-like search pattern matches some other string.
static const std::map< const TreeNode *, WeakPtr > & getParentlessNodes ()
static const std::map< const TreeNode *, WeakPtr > & getAllNodes ()
 Gets the vector of all TreeNodes currently known to be constructed.
static std::string formatAllNodes ()
 Prints the list of all TreeNodes currently known to be constructed.
static bool isNodeConstructed (const TreeNode *)
 Is a given node constructed?
static TreeNodegetVirtualGlobalNode ()
 Gets the virtual global node singleton. This node can have no parent and no children. It receives notifications from all nodes in the simulator as if it were the parent of every node in the simulation that has no parent.
static std::vector< const std::string * > parseNotificationNameString (const std::string &csl)
 Parses a comma-separated list of notification names (or patterns) separated by commas and ignoring whitespace around commas.
static bool notificationCategoryMatch (const std::string *query_id, const std::string *node_id)
 Checks if two notification categories match where one is an actual category.
- Public Attributes inherited from sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIFNode
std::unique_ptr< uint8_t[]> prior_val_buffer_
 Buffer for holding prior memory data during post-write notifications in order to avoid re-allocating each time.
PostWriteNotiSrc post_write_noti_
 NotificationSource for post-write notifications.
PostWriteNotiSrc::data_type post_write_noti_data_
 Data associated with a post-write notification.
ReadNotiSrc post_read_noti_
 NotificationSource for post-read notifications.
ReadNotiSrc::data_type post_read_noti_data_
 Data associated with a post-read notification.
StatisticSet sset_
- Static Public Attributes inherited from sparta::TreeNode
static const group_idx_type GROUP_IDX_NONE = (group_idx_type)-1
 GroupIndex indicating that a node has no group index because it belongs to no group.
static const node_uid_type MAX_NODE_UID
 Maximum value of node_uid_ before the framework throws an exception.
static constexpr char GROUP_NAME_NONE [] = ""
 Group name indicating that a node belongs to no group.
static constexpr char NODE_NAME_NONE [] = ""
 Node name for anonymous node.
static const std::string DEBUG_DUMP_SECTION_DIVIDER
 String dividing sections in a debug dump file.
static constexpr char NODE_NAME_VIRTUAL_GLOBAL [] = "_SPARTA_virtual_global_"
 Node name for the virtual glopbal node.
static constexpr char LOCATION_NODE_SEPARATOR_ATTACHED = '.'
 Separator character between node identifiers in a location string when the child is attached to the parent.
static constexpr char LOCATION_NODE_SEPARATOR_EXPECTING = ','
 Separator character between node identifiers in a location string when the child is being attached to the parent but has not been entirely attached (i.g. during construction of the child node)
static constexpr char LOCATION_NODE_SEPARATOR_UNATTACHED = '~'
 Separator character preceding a node identifiers in a location string when that node has no parent and is not in the process of being attached to one.
static const uint32_t RENDER_SUBTREE_INDENT = 2
 Spaces to indent for each tree level in sparta::TreeNode::renderSubtree.
static constexpr char GROUP_NAME_BUILTIN [] = "_SPARTA_builtin_group_"
 Reserved name for built-in nodes.
static const uint64_t CHILD_FIND_THRESHOLD = 100000
 Threshold for number of findChildren calls after finalization before a warning message is printed about framework misuse.
static const uint64_t CHILD_GET_THRESHOLD = 100000
 Threshold for number of getChild calls after finalization before a warning message is printed about framework misuse.
static const uint32_t TEARDOWN_ERROR_LIMIT = 5
 Number of teardown-phase-related messages that can be printed before the rest will be suppressed.
static const std::vector< std::pair< const char *, std::function< void(std::string &)> > > TREE_NODE_PATTERN_SUBS
 List of pattern susbtitutions when creating a search pattern from a TreeNode name containing wildcards.
- Protected Types inherited from sparta::TreeNode
typedef std::vector< delegateDelegateVector
 Vector of delegates representing a list of observers to notify.
typedef std::map< type_info_container, DelegateVectorNotificationObserverMap
 Map of delegate vectors containing all observers.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from sparta::TreeNode
static bool identityMatchesPattern_ (const std::string &ident, std::regex &expr, std::vector< std::string > &replacements)
 Performs pattern matching on a identity string.
static bool identityMatchesPattern_ (const std::string &ident, std::regex &expr)
 Variant of identityMatchesPattern_ with no replacements vector.
static std::string getPreviousName_ (const std::string &name, size_t &pos)
 Gets the previous name between two '.' chars in a string starting at pos.
- Protected Attributes inherited from sparta::memory::DebugMemoryIF
const addr_t block_size_
 Size of a block accessed through this interface.
addr_t block_mask_
 Mask applied to an address to get only bits representing the block ID.
addr_t block_idx_lsb_
 rshift applied to an address to get the block ID
const std::vector< AccessWindowacc_windows_
 Vector of access windows representing this memory.
 Translation interface created for this interface. Externally owned.
const std::string *const desc_ptr_
 Description pointer.
addr_t total_range_
 Range of addresses from highest accessible to lowest.
addr_t low_end_
 Lowest accessible address.
addr_t high_end_
 Highest accessible address + 1.
addr_t accessible_size_
 Number of bytes accessible through this interface.

Detailed Description

Memory mapping object which implements BlockingMemoryIFNode. Supports a simple mapping of incoming addresses to addresses within a set of destination BlockingMemoryIFs.

Note that this map supports notifications and instrumentation on the Map itself as well as on the destination memory interfaces.

Destinations must start and end on block boundaries and accesses cannot span destinations.

See also

Definition at line 30 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SimpleMemoryMapNode() [1/2]

sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::SimpleMemoryMapNode ( sparta::TreeNode * parent,
const std::string & name,
const std::string & group,
group_idx_type group_idx,
const std::string & desc,
addr_t block_size,
addr_t total_size,
TranslationIF * transif = nullptr )

Construct a SimpleMemoryMap that is also a BlockingMemoryIFNode subclass.

parentParent TreeNode. Must not be null
groupGroup name. Must not be empty. See sparta::TreeNode for rules
group_idxGroup index. See sparta::TreeNode
descDescription of this interface. Must not be empty. See sparta::TreeNode
block_sizeSize for all blocks that are accessible through this interfaces
total_sizeTotal size of the mapping space. This does not need to be entirely packed with mappings. This is required for BlockingMemoryIF
transifSee BlockingMemoryIF::BlockingMemoryIF

Definition at line 58 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

◆ SimpleMemoryMapNode() [2/2]

sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::SimpleMemoryMapNode ( sparta::TreeNode * parent,
const std::string & name,
const std::string & desc,
addr_t block_size,
addr_t total_size,
TranslationIF * transif = nullptr )

Constructor for SimpleMemoryMapNode without TreeNode group information.

This is the simplest constructor available for this class

Definition at line 79 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

◆ ~SimpleMemoryMapNode()

virtual sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::~SimpleMemoryMapNode ( )

Definition at line 95 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getDMI()

DMIBlockingMemoryIF * sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::getDMI ( addr_t addr,
addr_t size )

Get a DMI blocking interface at the given address and size.

addrThe intended address to read/write directly to/from
sizeThe intended block size
Pointer a valid DMIBlockingMemoryIF that can support the given address/size combo. nullptr if not supported

SimpleMemoryMap will find the equivalent mapped memory interface that can support the given address and size combo. If the end memory interface cannot support DMI or the given address/size, combo, nullptr will be returned.

Reimplemented from sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIF.

Definition at line 180 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read()

void sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::read ( addr_t addr,
addr_t size,
uint8_t * buf,
const void * in_supplement = nullptr,
void * out_supplement = nullptr )

Read a block of memory.

addrThe unmasked address to read
sizeThe amount of memory to read
bufThe buffer to read the data into
in_supplementMetadata supplement (in data) to pass to the eventual memory interface
out_supplementMetadata supplement (out data) to pass to the eventual memory interface
MemoryReadErrorif there's an issue reading memory at that address and size

This method will attempt to map the given address to an internal memory interface and read data from that interface. If the eventual interface fails, this method will throw

Definition at line 118 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tryPeek_()

virtual bool sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::tryPeek_ ( addr_t addr,
addr_t size,
uint8_t * buf ) const

Implements tryPeek_.

These accesses can span mappings and are automatically split

Implements sparta::memory::DebugMemoryIF.

Definition at line 242 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tryPoke_()

virtual bool sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::tryPoke_ ( addr_t addr,
addr_t size,
const uint8_t * buf )

Implements tryPoke_.

These accesses can span mappings and are automatically split

Reimplemented from sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIF.

Definition at line 261 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tryRead_()

virtual bool sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::tryRead_ ( addr_t addr,
addr_t size,
uint8_t * buf,
const void * in_supplement = nullptr,
void * out_supplement = nullptr )

Implements tryRead_.

addrAddress to read from where 0 is start of this memory object.
Does not immediately prohibit accesses spanning blocks or mappings. This is the responsibility of the caller

Implements sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIF.

Definition at line 204 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tryWrite_()

virtual bool sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::tryWrite_ ( addr_t addr,
addr_t size,
const uint8_t * buf,
const void * in_supplement = nullptr,
void * out_supplement = nullptr )

Implements tryWrite_.

addrAddress to write to where 0 is start of this memory object.
Does not immediately prohibit accesses spanning blocks or mappings. This is the responsibility of the caller

Implements sparta::memory::BlockingMemoryIF.

Definition at line 224 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write()

void sparta::memory::SimpleMemoryMapNode::write ( addr_t addr,
addr_t size,
const uint8_t * buf,
const void * in_supplement = nullptr,
void * out_supplement = nullptr )

Write a block of memory.

addrThe unmasked address to write to
sizeThe amount of memory to write
bufThe buffer of data to write
in_supplementMetadata supplement (in data) to pass to the eventual memory interface
out_supplementMetadata supplement (out data) to pass to the eventual memory interface
MemoryReadErrorif there's an issue writing memory at that address and size

This method will attempt to map the given address to an internal memory interface write read data to that interface. If the eventual interface fails, this method will throw

Definition at line 146 of file SimpleMemoryMapNode.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: