The Sparta Modeling Framework
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sparta::memory Namespace Reference

Namespace containing memory interfaces, types, and storage objects. More...


class  BlockingMemoryIF
 Pure-virtual memory interface which represents a simple, immediately accessible (blocking) address-space with meaningful read and write accees support. Partially implements DebugMemoryIF, which adds peek and poke support as well as access addr and size validation. More...
class  BlockingMemoryIFNode
 Pure-virtual memory interface that builds on the BlockingMemoryIF, acting as a TreeNode in the SPARTA device tree through which clients such as tools and UIs can discover and interact with the interface. Includes SPARTA Tree notification support, and sparta::Counter representation of access statistics. More...
class  BlockingMemoryObjectIFNode
 BlockingMemoryIFNode implementation with binding to a MemoryObject instantiated separately and specified at BlockingMemoryObjectIFNode construction. More...
class  DebugMemoryIF
 Memory interface which represents a simple, immediately accessible (blocking) address-space with support for peek and poke acceeses having no side effects other than changing the desired memory. More...
class  DMIBlockingMemoryIF
 Class that provides a BlockingMemoryIF over a raw pointer. More...
class  MemoryAccessError
 Indicates that there was an issue accessing a SPARTA memory object or interface. More...
class  MemoryObject
 Memory object with sparse storage for large memory representations. Has direct read/write interface within blocks. Checkpointable. More...
class  MemoryPeekError
 Error while attempting to peek some memory object or interface. More...
class  MemoryPokeError
 Error while attempting to poke some memory object or interface. More...
class  MemoryReadError
 Error while attempting to read some memory object or interface. More...
class  MemoryTranslationError
 Indicates that there was an issue translating an address in the SPARTA framework. More...
class  MemoryWriteError
 Error while attempting to write some memory object or interface. More...
class  SimpleMemoryMap
 Memory mapping object which maps addresses onto block-aligned destinations, each of which is a BlockingMemoryIF object. This method does not actually support memory accesses, only mapping and querying. More...
class  SimpleMemoryMapNode
 Memory mapping object which implements BlockingMemoryIFNode. Supports a simple mapping of incoming addresses to addresses within a set of destination BlockingMemoryIFs. More...
class  Translation
 An older class used to help in encapsulate read/virtual addresses. More...
class  TranslationIF
 Blocking translation interface with 1:1 translation unless subclassed. More...
class  TranslationIFNode
 TranslationIF extension that builds on TranslastionIF, acting as a TreeNode in the SPARTA device tree through which clients such as tools and UIs can discover and interact with the interface. More...


typedef uint64_t addr_t
 Type for generic address representation in generic interfaces, errors and printouts within SPARTA.

Detailed Description

Namespace containing memory interfaces, types, and storage objects.

Typedef Documentation

◆ addr_t

typedef uint64_t sparta::memory::addr_t

Type for generic address representation in generic interfaces, errors and printouts within SPARTA.

Definition at line 24 of file AddressTypes.hpp.