The Sparta Modeling Framework
No Matches
sparta::app::ReportDescriptor Class Reference

Describes one or more report to instantiate. More...

#include <ReportDescriptor.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void disable ()
 Calling this method causes the simulation to skip this descriptor when it is setting up its reports. This operation cannot be undone.
bool isEnabled () const
 See if this descriptor is enabled or not. Disabling a descriptor means that it will be filtered from report generation.
bool isSingleTimeseriesReport () const
 Check if this descriptor holds only one report instantiation, and that it is a timeseries report (.csv)
bool isSingleNonTimeseriesReport () const
 Check if this descriptor holds only one report instantiation, and that it is not a timeseries report. For example, .html, .json, .txt, and so on.
void configureAsyncTimeseriesReport (simdb::AsyncTaskEval *task_queue, simdb::ObjectManager *sim_db, const Clock &root_clk)
 Switch this descriptor's timeseries report generation from synchronous .csv generation to asynchronous database persistence.
void configureAsyncNonTimeseriesReport (simdb::AsyncTaskEval *task_queue, simdb::ObjectManager *sim_db)
 Switch this descriptor's report generation from synchronous to asynchronous database persistence. This method is intended only for descriptors that have just one non-timeseries report format.
db::ReportHeader * getTimeseriesDatabaseHeader ()
 Give access to the database timeseries header. This will return null when this descriptor is used for any non- timeseries report format (json, json_reduced, txt, etc.) or when the "simdb" feature has been disabled.
void doPostProcessing (simdb::AsyncTaskEval *task_queue, simdb::ObjectManager *sim_db)
 Do any post-simulation post processing steps needed. This is typically used for final wrap-up this descriptor needs to do in the simulation database, so the two inputs are the SimDB and the AsyncTaskEval objects that belong to the app::Simulation and sparta::ReportRepository objects, but other non-database work may need to be completed post- simulation as well.
std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< report::format::BaseFormatter > > getFormattersByFilename () const
 Provide access to the formatters we have been using so they can coordinate with the reporting infrastructure to write various metadata to the database.
 ReportDescriptor (const std::string &_loc_pattern, const std::string &_def_file, const std::string &_dest_file, const std::string &_format="text")
 Construct a report decsriptor.
 ReportDescriptor (const ReportDescriptor &)=default
 Allow construction.
ReportDescriptoroperator= (const ReportDescriptor &)=default
 Allow assignment.
 ~ReportDescriptor ()
 Destructor (note that triggered reports are automatically flushed)
const std::string & getDescriptorPattern () const
 Getter for this descriptor's pattern, e.g. "_global".
const std::string & getDescriptorDefFile () const
 Getter for this descriptor's def_file, e.g. "simple_stats.yaml".
const std::string & getDescriptorDestFile () const
 Getter for this descriptor's dest_file, e.g. "out.json".
const std::string & getDescriptorFormat () const
 Getter for this descriptor's format, e.g. "json_reduced".
const std::string & getDescriptorOrigDestFile () const
 When SimDB has automatic report verification enabled, this descriptor may have had its dest_file changed when the Simulation::setupReports() method was called. The report file will still end up in the dest_file that you gave the descriptor, but this getter is added if you need to ask this descriptor what its immutable dest_file was from the beginning.
std::shared_ptr< statistics::ReportStatisticsArchivelogOutputValuesToArchive (const std::string &dir)
 Tell the descriptor to send all of its writeOutput / updateOutput statistics values to a binary archive. Returns the archive object that will be responsible for feeding the data into the archive. Returns null if unable to connect to the database.
std::shared_ptr< statistics::StreamNodecreateRootStatisticsStream ()
 Create and return a StreamNode object that sits at the top of a tree hierarchy that describes the Report/Subreport/StatisticInstance layout of this descriptor's report.
void inspectSimulatorFeatureValues (const app::FeatureConfiguration *feature_config)
 Give the descriptor a chance to see the –feature values that were set at the command line, if any. This is called just prior to the main simulation loop.
void ignoreFurtherUpdates ()
 Report descriptors may be triggered to stop early - ensure no further updates are written to disk.
std::string stringize () const
 Represents this descriptor as a string.
report::format::BaseFormatter * addInstantiation (Report *r, Simulation *sim, std::ostream *out=nullptr)
 Tracks a report instantiated based on this descriptor and allocates a new formatter for it. Later, these tracked reports can be iterated and saved to different destinations (or the same) depending on their order.
std::vector< inst_t > getInstantiations () const
 Returns the vector of instantiated reports based on this descriptor.
std::vector< Report * > getPendingInstantiations () const
 Returns a vector of reports that have not been instantiated yet, but will be when this report descriptor's start trigger fires.
std::vector< Report * > getAllInstantiations () const
 Returns all report instantiations, including those already instantiated (no report start trigger) and pending report instantiations (they have a start trigger, and it hasn't fired yet)
uint32_t writeOutput (std::ostream *out=nullptr)
 Saves all of the instantiations whose formatters do not support 'update' to their respective destinations. Returns the number of reports written in full in this call.
uint32_t updateOutput (std::ostream *out=nullptr)
 Updates all of the instantiations whose formatters support 'update', possibly by writing to the destinations. Returns the number of reports updated in this call.
void skipOutput ()
 Let the descriptor know to skip over one update of data.
void capUpdatesToOncePerTick (const Scheduler *scheduler)
 Instruct this descriptor to automatically ignore any "duplicate" updates that occur at the exact same tick.
void setSkippedAnnotator (std::shared_ptr< sparta::trigger::SkippedAnnotatorBase > annotator)
 Give this descriptor a specific annotator subclass for printing skipped update information to reports.
void clearDestinationFiles (const Simulation &sim)
 Clears all destination files that will be filled with instances of this report descriptor.
uint32_t getUsageCount () const
 Returns the usage count (incremented by addInstantiation)
uint32_t getNumWrites () const
 Returns the number of writes done on this report descriptor's instantiated report formatters.
uint32_t getNumUpdates () const
 Returns the number of updates done on this report descriptor's instantiated report formatters.
std::string computeFilename (const Report *r, const std::string &sim_name, uint32_t idx) const
 Computes the filename to which this reportdescriptor will be saved using any necessary variables in the name based on its instantiation context and sim_name.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isValidFormatName (const std::string &format)
 Determines if format is a valid name for formatter. This allows the command line parser to disregard tokens at the end of a report command which are not formatters and instead interpret them as positional arguments.

Public Attributes

std::string loc_pattern
 Node location string (pattern) on which report should be generated. Typically "" or top.
std::string def_file
 Filename of report definition. If '@', auto generates reports with all counters and stats of loc_pattern.
std::string dest_file
 Destination filename to which report will be written. Later this will represent other types of destination besides files.
std::string format
 Optional formatting string (how to write to the file). This is converted to lower-case at construction.
NamedExtensions extensions_
 Key-value extensions used by parsers to bind opaque report configurations to descriptors.
MetaDataKeyValues header_metadata_
 Metadata to include in report headers.

Static Public Attributes

static const char * GLOBAL_KEYWORD
 Global search scope node keyword for report locations.


class ReportDescriptorCollection

Detailed Description

Describes one or more report to instantiate.

Definition at line 88 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ReportDescriptor()

sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::ReportDescriptor ( const std::string &  _loc_pattern,
const std::string &  _def_file,
const std::string &  _dest_file,
const std::string &  _format = "text" 

Construct a report decsriptor.

_loc_patternLocation patern identifying 1 or more nodes on which to construct a report
_def_fileReport definition file path relative to current working directory. Note, this may also be '@' to generate reports which each contain all counters and stats in the subtree(s) of the node(s) described by _loc_pattern.
_dest_fileFile to which these reports should be written. This may contain report name wildcards to identify output files based on replacements made in _loc_pattern. Output formatter is chosen by the file extension of this path unless explicitly set in _format. If sparta::utils::COUT_FILENAME, will write to stdout. If sparta::utils::CERR_FILENAME, will write to stderr. Note that A formatter which supports ostream writing must be chosen to support this or an exception will be thrown
_formatOptional explicit format specificier. Extensions allowed are all those defined in sparta::report::format::BaseFormatter::FACTORIES. If omitted, deduces the format based on _dest_file.
SpartaExceptionif the _dest_file is 1 or 2 and the formatter chosen (by _format if specified or the secondarily _dest_file) is not an ostream formatter (is not a sparta::report::format::BaseOstreamFormatter). This is tested in construction so that no time is wasted on failure - as opposed to checkout formatters when finally writing reports

Member Function Documentation

◆ addInstantiation()

report::format::BaseFormatter * sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::addInstantiation ( Report *  r,
Simulation sim,
std::ostream *  out = nullptr 

Tracks a report instantiated based on this descriptor and allocates a new formatter for it. Later, these tracked reports can be iterated and saved to different destinations (or the same) depending on their order.

rReport to track. Caller maintains ownership of this. Must outlive this instance of ReportDescriptor. Must be fully populated because the formatter created by this fuction may be written to immediately
fmtThe output formatter associated with this report. Caller maintains ownership of this. Must outlive this instance of ReportDescriptor
outOutput stream to write actions to. If nullptr, no actions are written
Newly allocated BaseFormatter. Caller is resposible for deallocation. Allocated through sparta::report::format::FormatterFactory::factory method which allocates using 'new'. This new formatter will read the input report and be initialized based on its content. The header of the report may be written to the formatter immediately

◆ clearDestinationFiles()

void sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::clearDestinationFiles ( const Simulation sim)

Clears all destination files that will be filled with instances of this report descriptor.

This is done at simulation startup so that reports are empty until written. After simulation, reports are appended to these files

◆ computeFilename()

std::string sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::computeFilename ( const Report *  r,
const std::string &  sim_name,
uint32_t  idx 
) const

Computes the filename to which this reportdescriptor will be saved using any necessary variables in the name based on its instantiation context and sim_name.

rReport whose filename should be computed.
idxIndex of the report in this ReportDescriptor's instantiations This is required to fill in wildcards in the report name where multiple reports are generated from one descriptor. Each can have its own index in its name.
See also
Does not attempt to open the filename

◆ configureAsyncNonTimeseriesReport()

void sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::configureAsyncNonTimeseriesReport ( simdb::AsyncTaskEval *  task_queue,
simdb::ObjectManager *  sim_db 

Switch this descriptor's report generation from synchronous to asynchronous database persistence. This method is intended only for descriptors that have just one non-timeseries report format.

Call "isSingleNonTimeseriesReport()" first before calling this method to be sure, otherwise this method may throw.

◆ configureAsyncTimeseriesReport()

void sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::configureAsyncTimeseriesReport ( simdb::AsyncTaskEval *  task_queue,
simdb::ObjectManager *  sim_db,
const Clock root_clk 

Switch this descriptor's timeseries report generation from synchronous .csv generation to asynchronous database persistence.

The task queue object passed in is the worker thread object, which is shared among all report descriptors in the simulation.

The simulation database passed in is the object with the actual connection to the physical database. This object is shared with the Simulation class and other descriptors.

The Scheduler passed in is the one our simulation is running on, and the Clock passed in is the simulation's root clock. Both of these objects are used in order to get the "current time" value at each report update (current cycle, simulated time, etc.)

◆ disable()

void sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::disable ( )

Calling this method causes the simulation to skip this descriptor when it is setting up its reports. This operation cannot be undone.

Definition at line 285 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getAllInstantiations()

std::vector< Report * > sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getAllInstantiations ( ) const

Returns all report instantiations, including those already instantiated (no report start trigger) and pending report instantiations (they have a start trigger, and it hasn't fired yet)

Definition at line 548 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getDescriptorDefFile()

const std::string & sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getDescriptorDefFile ( ) const

Getter for this descriptor's def_file, e.g. "simple_stats.yaml".

Definition at line 430 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getDescriptorDestFile()

const std::string & sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getDescriptorDestFile ( ) const

Getter for this descriptor's dest_file, e.g. "out.json".

Definition at line 435 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getDescriptorFormat()

const std::string & sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getDescriptorFormat ( ) const

Getter for this descriptor's format, e.g. "json_reduced".

Definition at line 440 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getDescriptorOrigDestFile()

const std::string & sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getDescriptorOrigDestFile ( ) const

When SimDB has automatic report verification enabled, this descriptor may have had its dest_file changed when the Simulation::setupReports() method was called. The report file will still end up in the dest_file that you gave the descriptor, but this getter is added if you need to ask this descriptor what its immutable dest_file was from the beginning.

Definition at line 450 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getDescriptorPattern()

const std::string & sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getDescriptorPattern ( ) const

Getter for this descriptor's pattern, e.g. "_global".

Definition at line 425 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getInstantiations()

std::vector< inst_t > sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getInstantiations ( ) const

Returns the vector of instantiated reports based on this descriptor.

Definition at line 524 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getNumUpdates()

uint32_t sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getNumUpdates ( ) const

Returns the number of updates done on this report descriptor's instantiated report formatters.

Definition at line 616 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getNumWrites()

uint32_t sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getNumWrites ( ) const

Returns the number of writes done on this report descriptor's instantiated report formatters.

Definition at line 610 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getPendingInstantiations()

std::vector< Report * > sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getPendingInstantiations ( ) const

Returns a vector of reports that have not been instantiated yet, but will be when this report descriptor's start trigger fires.

Definition at line 532 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ getUsageCount()

uint32_t sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::getUsageCount ( ) const

Returns the usage count (incremented by addInstantiation)

Definition at line 604 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ ignoreFurtherUpdates()

void sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::ignoreFurtherUpdates ( )

Report descriptors may be triggered to stop early - ensure no further updates are written to disk.

Definition at line 478 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ isEnabled()

bool sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::isEnabled ( ) const

See if this descriptor is enabled or not. Disabling a descriptor means that it will be filtered from report generation.

Definition at line 293 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ stringize()

std::string sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::stringize ( ) const

Represents this descriptor as a string.

Definition at line 485 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ updateOutput()

uint32_t sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::updateOutput ( std::ostream *  out = nullptr)

Updates all of the instantiations whose formatters support 'update', possibly by writing to the destinations. Returns the number of reports updated in this call.

outPrint reports being written to out unless nulltr

◆ writeOutput()

uint32_t sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::writeOutput ( std::ostream *  out = nullptr)

Saves all of the instantiations whose formatters do not support 'update' to their respective destinations. Returns the number of reports written in full in this call.

outPrint reports being written to out unless nulltr

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ ReportDescriptorCollection

friend class ReportDescriptorCollection

Definition at line 236 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ def_file

std::string sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::def_file

Filename of report definition. If '@', auto generates reports with all counters and stats of loc_pattern.

Definition at line 255 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ dest_file

std::string sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::dest_file

Destination filename to which report will be written. Later this will represent other types of destination besides files.

Definition at line 261 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ extensions_

NamedExtensions sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::extensions_

Key-value extensions used by parsers to bind opaque report configurations to descriptors.

Definition at line 273 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ format

std::string sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::format

Optional formatting string (how to write to the file). This is converted to lower-case at construction.

Definition at line 267 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.


const char* sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::GLOBAL_KEYWORD

Global search scope node keyword for report locations.

Definition at line 243 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ header_metadata_

MetaDataKeyValues sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::header_metadata_

Metadata to include in report headers.

Definition at line 278 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

◆ loc_pattern

std::string sparta::app::ReportDescriptor::loc_pattern

Node location string (pattern) on which report should be generated. Typically "" or top.

Definition at line 249 of file ReportDescriptor.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: