The Sparta Modeling Framework
This is the complete list of members for core_example::CoreTopology_1, including all inherited members.
allocateTopology(const std::string &topology) -> CPUTopology * | core_example::CPUTopology | static |
CoreTopology_1() | core_example::CoreTopology_1 | |
CPUTopology() | core_example::CPUTopology | inline |
factories (defined in core_example::CPUTopology) | core_example::CPUTopology | |
num_cores | core_example::CPUTopology | |
port_connections (defined in core_example::CPUTopology) | core_example::CPUTopology | |
setName(const std::string &topology) -> void | core_example::CPUTopology | inline |
setNumCores(const uint32_t num_of_cores) -> void | core_example::CPUTopology | inline |
topology_name (defined in core_example::CPUTopology) | core_example::CPUTopology | |
units (defined in core_example::CPUTopology) | core_example::CPUTopology |